1. Plug-in your USB flash drive to USB port and move all the contents
from USB drive to a safe location on your system.
2. Open command prompt and type as follow command :
i) first (diskpart)
ii) after new windows open, type (list disk) and see which one is your
USB Drive
iii) then type (select disk 1) disk 1 refer to my USB Drive number and
you can see the drive capacity
iv) (clean)
v) (create partition primary)
vi) (select partition 1)
vii) (active)
3. Now open my computer and Format your USB Drive as NTFS type
4. Copy all windows 7/Vista file and paste into USB Drive
5. Restart and press F2 to change Boot setting from CD ROM to USB
HDD as primary boot option
6. If you don`t know which one is your USB Drive, you just need to
insert the USB Drive
P.S :
This setting is for the first time.... After that you don`t need to setting back this USB Drive even if you Format this USB Drive, But you need to Format as NTFS type when you want to use it as Windows 7/Vista installer.....
if you set the USB Drive as Secondary boot option and CD ROM is the Primary, you make sure there are no CD/DVD in the ROM during the boot and Formatting
I thing that`s all for now...
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